Rank 1709
Moeda (MDA)
Just now
$ 0.020316747 (-8.53%)
Mkt. Cap.
$ 398.8 K
Vol. 24H
MDA 8,582.821 ($ 174.375)
Open 24h
$ 0.0222120152
Low/High 24h
$ 0.0203056675 - $ 0.0246498867
Last trade
MDA 0 ( $ 0) / CCCAGG
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MOEDA is a Cooperative Crypto Credit Banking-as-a-Service Platform designed to provide a mobile lending system. Moeda will provide a multi-purpose digital identity and opportunities to build credit-worthiness and reputation. It will also give investors real-time transparency of SDG-aligned Impact Investment, trust of cryptographically assured blockchain records and contracts while facilitating the scaling of community investments, payment transactions and service more customers online.

Moeda Tokens (MDA) are backed by a social contract in loyal support of Green Cross Brazil to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The tokens will be transferable once the sale has concluded.

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Moeda (MDA)
0.020316747 USD (-8.53%)


$ 398.8 K

$ 174.375

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