Rank 1971
Verify (CRED)
Just now
$ 0.0056665301 (9.86%)
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$ 0
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CRED 0 ($ 0)
Open 24h
$ 0.0051579901
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$ 0.0050632893 - $ 0.0058477208
Last trade
CRED 348.000 ( $ 1.972) /
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Verify is a distributed reputation protocol built for eCommerce. It monitors and continually updates the reputation of the various parties involved in a transaction. This results in a public, provably valid reputation record for buyers and sellers as rated by their counterparties. Finally, this reputation data is used in various ways to incentivize reputed sellers and buyers to continue using the Verify protocol. CRED is an ECR20 token used within the Verify platform.

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Verify (CRED)
0.0056665301 USD (9.86%)


$ 0

$ 0

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